🍃 Yoga Therapy approach
Yoga therapy assess clients from a holistic perspective—physically, energetically, emotionally, mentally and lifestyle in general,
There are specific yoga poses and postures which help soothe back pain, while others reduce stress. The Yoga-based therapy for physical, mental and emotional healing is usually gentler, specialized and focused to regulate the nervous system, to calm the mind, and increase awareness of the body. These sessions include breathing coordination, postures, deep relaxation and behavioral changes. The exact mix of interventions depends entirely on the needs and the requirements of the seeker.
🍃 Working one-on one,
You have the benefit of a practice created specifically for you that includes physical postures, breath work, deep relaxation. Through our collaborative effort you will go home with the knowledge and skills necessary to continue your healing journey.
🍃 Conditions which benefit from Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy has been shown to improve physical /emotional and mental conditions including:
Back pain, muscular and skeletal problems
Diabetes, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s, Asthma, Cancer, HIV, Alzheimer’s
Brain Injury, Multiple sclerosis, Autoimmune diseases
Heart Disease, Insomnia, Arthritis, Osteoporosis
🍃 Other benefits of Yoga Therapy
Detoxification of the internal organs
Increased energy and vitality
Deepened peace of mind and increased attention capacity
Improvement of the blood/and water circulation
Physical injury support and rehabilitation
Improved stamina and flexibility
Enhanced mental and physical capacity
Improvement of sleep quality
Release of resistance, stress, anxiety, and fear
Improved hormonal balance
There is no recipe for healing, though lasting change requires consistent effort.
Fees: 60-75 minutes Session $ 125.
🍃 Bowen Therapy Approach
“Bowen Therapy is capable of addresses the entire body rather than focusing on a single complaint”
Since Bowen Therapy works on the entire nervous system by supporting and shifting the body into its parasympathetic healing mode, it is effective in treating a variety of conditions simply by activating the mind/body's healing response.
A treatment will typically last between thirty minutes to one hour. It can be provided through a layer of light clothing. During this time, the Therapist may leave the room for periods of two to five minutes at a time. This allows for your mind and body to communicate and have time to process and respond to the treatment, and for the necessary changes to occur in mind and body before commencing the next sequence of moves.
All ages could benefit form Bowen therapy.
🍃 What Bowen Treats:
People presenting with the following conditions typically respond well to Bowen:
From mental and emotional symptoms, to chronic pain, acute conditions, and digestive and skin concerns …
Upper body (neck and shoulder) pain,
Lower back issues and Sciatic presentations
Muscular and Skeletal problems
High blood pressure, Parkinson’s, Asthma, Cancer, HIV, Alzheimer’s
Brain Injury, Multiple sclerosis, Autoimmune diseases
Migraines and Headaches
Heart Disease, Insomnia, Arthritis,
🍃 Other benefits of Bowen Therapy
Detoxification of the internal organs
Increased energy and vitality
Deepened peace of mind and increased attention capacity
Improvement of the blood/and water circulation
Physical injury support and rehabilitation
Improvement of sleep quality
Stress, anxiety and depression; respond well to treatment too
Improved hormonal balance
A minimum of four to five one-on-one sessions is recommended, though not required.
Fees: 45-60 minutes Session $ 125.